Code of Conduct

Dress Code (In School):
Students are expected to select school clothing which promotes respect, modesty, and a positive learning environment. The following guidelines should assist students:

  • Shirts/tops must cover midriff. Spaghetti straps, halter tops, visible bra straps, muscle shirts and low-necked tops are not considered appropriate school wear.
  • Pants must fit properly. Pants which are too tight, or ride too low on the hips, are not suitable for school. Underwear should not show.
  • Cut-offs, short shorts and pyjama bottoms of any kind are not suitable for school.
  • Clothing with objectionable messages or graphics is not permitted. This includes references to alcohol, drugs, sex, violence, and rude, offensive or profane language.
  • Clothing should be clean and in good repair. Pants and shorts are to be hemmed. Clothing with rips, cuts and holes is not suitable for SJW.
  • Head wear, such as ball caps and toques, is not suited for indoor wear. Long hair must not obscure the eyes.
  • Due to sensitivities, perfume and make-up, if used, are to be worn in moderation.
  • Jewellery and accessories should be minimal. Dog collars, wallet chains and large neck chains are not acceptable.

Absences and Lates:

A credit is granted in recognition of the successful completion of a course that has been scheduled for a minimum of 110 hours. Frequent absences may jeopardize a student’s chance of finishing a credit course. While each case will be looked at on an individual basis, when a student’s absences reach 15-20 classes, interventions may need to be taken to ensure the student’s successful completion of the credit(s).

Accumulating 6 unexcused lates will lead to a detention.

Communication Devices:
Cell phones/pagers/portable communication devices are not allowed to be used during class time.

At the beginning of each period, students are expected to turn off their devices, and place them into the box provided. Devices will be returned at the end of class.

Personal pictures and/or videos are not to be taken at any point during the school day. This includes pictures and/or videos taken by communication devices such as cell phones, or by digital cameras.

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